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Jeff Koons

Contemporary artist, US

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Jeff Koons

One of the most famous artists working today is, without a doubt, Jeff Koons. The Contemporary artist makes optimistic and ironic sculptures, paintings, installations and balloon dogs.

"Art is something that happens inside us. We look at things in the world, and we become excited by them. We understand our own possibilities of becoming. And that's what art is." - Jeff Koons

In the same vein as Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons explores ideas of commodity, spectacle, celebrity, and consumption. Koons' sculptures are colossal - and they come in the shape of a flower puppy, a rabbit, Venus, and the Hulk! Alongside his more subdued subjects, Jeff Koons' Made in Heaven is a series centered around his relationship with Italian porn star Cicciolina. Today, the legacy of Jeff Koons continues with cast-aluminum pool toys, a gold-painted porcelain sculpture of Michael Jackson, and giant Play-Doh sculptures; prized by international museums.

Although the American artist resists complex interpretations of his work, the technique behind the art of Jeff Koons involves innovative and intricate fabrication processes. He, is not simply a contemporary provocateur. Witness how the artist blends the ideas and methods of Pop Art and Conceptual Art with popular culture. Jeff Koons is writing his own story and creating his own unique iconography.

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